Monday, March 9, 2009

Where Our Heart Is

A few weeks back I was saddened and excited about the possibility of change. Anxious about where we were going and thankful that the transition was going so smooth. I had high hopes that our next location was firm and final. As the weeks lingered on I found myself griping about all the inconveniences, the lifestyle changes, the “things” that were not the same. How many times do we have to be brought through change before I remain steady in the truth that we are blessed beyond measure, no matter what provision is given.

In listening, sharing with others, it became clear to me that we are conditioned to complain, even when things are good. I was just reading in the book of Matthew and read that where our heart is, our treasure will be. When my heart is fixed on Jesus, life is beautiful beyond measure. When I start focusing on what the world has to offer, my vision gets blurred and my heart grows heavy. That goes on to the rest of the scripture from Matthew It says “The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eyes are bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!”

How easy it is to get our eyes dirty. We don’t even have to look for ways. I believe we are all guilty of this in some form or another. Looking back to where my family was even a few months ago, I began to gripe about having to stay in a hotel for a few weeks. I began to gripe and become discontent in many areas. Happy about many things, but growing discontent in many ways. If we were sitting back in India, seeing the children living on the streets, begging for food. If we were back in Omaha, hearing the news of homeless people struggling to survive in the cold. If I was thinking about Africa, the children caught up in a war far to violent to comprehend. Do you think my vision would have been any clearer? If I see how good life is, just to have a roof over our heads, a steady means for income and food in our bellies this could stir my heart toward compassion and thankfulness for all we have.

That compassion and thankfulness has driven many to work towards change, but none of it can be lasting without an anchor. Going back again, to before Jesus ruled my heart…I would be effected by the things I saw and experiences. Wanting to be helpful and acting on that desire on occasion. But the center of self would always settle in. Fear of giving too much and I myself would have far too little. Always driven for the comfort and to be very honest, the glory of myself. Do good in return for reward, change to better myself for myself and my surroundings. Help others to help themselves and make our world a better place. Peace at any cost. Where is truth in that? It still all boils down to self. When we focus on self, no matter how we package it, it still produces darkness. A glimmer of light may shine for a moment but it is put out when self settles in. This so contradicts what we were created to do. We were created to reflect the image of life, truth and freedom…..not to be tossed around like a ship on the waves living at peace only when the seas are calm.

It is very important to keep our eyes on the goal. Not forcing the goal, but walking slowly and surely on the path created for us. Not all of us were created to be the eyes, we all have a job to do. We all have a purpose….a specific skill set given to us by our creator. Some will be the eyes, some will be the hands, some will be the feet. Listen to our Teacher and trust in Him to hold our hand as we walk through the woods…like sheep among wolves being protected by our wise and strong Shepherd.

Instead of looking at our circumstances, our provision and what others are doing…we are to trust in the Provider to clear the way and use us to bring light into the darkness…in our lives and the lives around us. Giving glory where glory is due. We can and should be content in all circumstances, using each moment to learn, grow, even teach. Not letting the trappings of this world diminish our eye sight, resting assured in the life we have been given.

We cannot do this on our own, no matter how educated we are, no matter how hard we try. Each of us has the responsibility to ask for truth, test what is taught and act responsibly in what we believe. We are to go to the One who has the answers, to be open to correction and willing to admit when we are wrong. We are to be walking in humility in the strength, wisdom and life He has given us. As I said before and many others said before me, we cannot do this alone. We must be anchored in truth. The truth that comes from His word, the Bible. The truth that comes from being still and knowing He is God. When we draw near to Him, He draws near to us…then we can truly live, producing fruit and being content in all circumstances….giving glory where glory is due. When we keep our eyes fixed on Jesus we not only endure we succeed beyond measure.


Anonymous said...

good picture with good words !

pci compliance

Ivo Serenthà said...

Greetings from Italy,good luck
